Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Oregon State Amateur Trapshooting Association shall be held between the first day of April and the last day of October each year. Notice All Oregon State Amateur Trapshooting Association members of record are hereby notified of the Annual Meeting of the Oregon State Amateur Trapshooting Association shall be held June 2, 2019 at 8:00 AM at the Medford Gun Club. Please make every effort to attend this meeting because this is your Association. Your ATA Delegate and 1st and 2nd Alternates will be nominated and elected at this meeting. Terms of service of John Duckworth, Buck Garritson and Ryan Costanti expire in 2019. Individuals who want to serve on the Board of Directors should make themselves and their qualifications known to the Nominating Committee Chair—Dexter Tourville (541-878-2608) and request that their name be placed in consideration for one of the vacant positions. 2018 OSATA WINTER MEETING MINUTES Portland Gun Club September 22, 2018 11:00 AM
1. Call to Order - President Mann 2. Roll Call - Secretary Costanti a. All Directors present with the exception of John Duckworth. 3. Minutes of 2017 Winter Meeting - Secretary Costanti a. Minutes were distributed and highlighted by Secretary Costanti. Motion - Riggs, second - Moffit to accept the 2017 Winter Meeting minutes as distributed. No further discussion. Approved unanimously with no objections. 4. Financial Report - Treasurer Costanti - a. $6184.36 in the checking account and $12,224.00 in the money market CD which was upgraded from 0.6% annual yield to 2.15% annual yield for a 19 month term in 2018. Trophy Committee Chair Mann indicated that there was approximately $5,500.00 in silver trophies in the asset inventory. Motion - Moffit, second - Spindler to accept the finance report as presented. No further discussion. Approved unanimously with no objections. 5. Election of Officers - President Mann a. Nomination by Dale for Mike Mann as President, seconded by Costanti. President Mann called for additional nominations three times with no response from the Board. Motion - Spindler, second - Brittner to close nominations. By acclimation Mike Mann is President for the 2018-2019 target year. b. Nomination by Moffit for Mike Riggs, declined by Mr. Riggs. Nomination by Dale for John Adams as Vice President, seconded by Kaufman. Mann called three times for additional nominations with no response. Motion - Brittner, second - Kaufman to close nominations. By acclimation Mr. Adams is Vice President for the 2018-2019 target year. c. Subsequent to this meeting and election, President Mann asked Julie Spindler to accept the duties and responsibilities of Secretary/Treasurer of the OSATA. President Mann solicited approval by the Board of Ms. Spindler for this position as required in the By-Laws and approval was unanimous with none opposed. Ms. Spindler will assume this role on November 1, 2018. 6. Review of 2018 State Shoot a. Financials - Treasurer Costanti - Did not have specifics of State Shoot P&L, but estimated that the State Shoot lost about $1500.00 due to lower than expected turnout at Portland G. C. b. Problems/Opportunities - All Directors - Identified that competing non-registered shoots scheduled against the State Shoot will continue to be a problem. We need to continue to focus on presenting the best possible State Shoot within the budget. 7. Recommendations for 2019 and beyond State Shoots a. Locations - It was agreed that Medford, Bend, Portland, Hillsborough and Hermiston were the clubs capable of and interested in hosting the future State Shoots. All are interested in being part of a rotation. b. Rotation Scheme i. South-East-North - After discussion, motion - Costanti, second - Moffit to adopt a simple round robin scheme between the three Oregon zones as the best option. Approved unanimously, none opposed. Motion - Dale, second - Kaufman that the 2019 State Shoot be at Medford, continuing the rotation from Hermiston (East) in 2017 and Portland (North) in 2018. Approved unanimously, none opposed.
ii. South-North-East-North? c. Duration i. Three, four, two days? - It was agreed that the current three day, 800 target format is adequate and preferred by most shooters. d. Order of Events - Doubles/Handicap - No change from Sunday morning Handicap first, Doubles last. e. Sponsorships/Advertising - Mann reiterated that all sponsorship revenue goes directly to the shooters in the form of added money. 8. Hall of Fame Committee Report - Tourville - Reported that John Adams and Lonny Brown have been added to the Hall of Fame Committee. Chair Tourville reported $3367.16 in the HOF bank account at Rogue FCU. a. Hall of Fame Qualification Guidelines - Mann requested that the HOF Committee document and publish HOF selection guidelines to the OSATA Board. 9. Old Business a. Targets Thrown by Club - not yet available, will be distributed with these minutes. b. 2018 Swearingen Awards - not yet available, distributed with these minutes. 10. New Business a. Three Zone Format - After significant discussion it was agreed that a standardized two-day program would be provided which would be a guideline for the Zone shoot in all zones. Shoot location, prizes, added money, purses and options would be at the option of the Directors from each zone working with the host club for that zone that year. Program to be provided by Mann to all Directors. b. ATA Zone Shoot Locations in Oregon - President Mann and Delegate Costanti indicated that the ATA Western Zone Shoot dates had been moved by the Western Zone Delegates to June 28-30 in 2019 so as to not conflict with the PITA Grand Pacific Championships. It was pointed out that Oregon could easily host the ATA Western Zone shoot at multiple locations as long as the host club(s) had good internet access. Request was made by Mann that clubs in the northeast consider hosting the ATA Western Zone in addition to Medford in the southwest. 11. ATA Delegates Report - Oregon Delegate Ryan Costanti was introduced by Mann who also offered an apology to the Board for indicating unknowingly that he (Mann) was eligible to stand for State Delegate at the State Shoot. a. New Zone Vice President - Ed Wehking is the new Western Zone President and ATA/ATAA Vice President from the west. b. Sparta Situation c. New Rules/Regulations - 18 yard line has been abolished in addition to the “money punches†in the handicaps. d. Delegate Costanti introduced the new Western Zone Big 50 program and there was significant discussion regarding the amount of the Lewis Purse, the inability to cross-register, etc. Costanti indicated that other states were sharing the same concerns and that he would pass the suggestions to Jim Jones in a timely manner. 12. Good of the Association a. Cross-Registration b. More ATA Shoots/Shooters/Shooting in Oregon - Motion by Adams, second by Garritson to do away with penalty yardage and penalty Class at the State Shoot for shooters who do not have 500 singles, 500 handicap and 300 doubles on their record in the current and previous year. Motion passed unanimously with none opposed. c. Big 50/PITA Multiplex Overlay 13. Adjournment - Motion - Moffit, second by Costanti for adjournment at 1:58 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
Ryan Costanti Secretary, OSATA 24 October, 2018 2017 OSATA WINTER MEETING MINUTES Portland Gun Club December 9, 2017 11:00 AM
1. Call to Order - President Mann - Meeting called to order by President Mann at promptly 11 AM. 2. Roll Call - Secretary Costanti - Present were Directors Handy, Costanti, Danny Moffit, Garritson, Brittner, Riggs, Mann, Brown and Kaufman. Absent were Directors Adams, Duckworth and Warn. 3. Minutes of 2016 Winter Meeting - Secretary Costanti - Were distributed as well as the minutes of the 2015 Winter Meeting which were not available at last year's Winter Meeting. Motion by Riggs, seconded by Brown to accept the 2016 Winter Meeting minutes as distributed. No discussion. All in favor, none opposed. President Mann paused to welcome Directors Riggs, Kaufman and Brittner to their first Winter Meeting as Directors and to welcome Director Moffit back to the Board after a multi-year absence. 4. Financial Report - Treasurer Costanti - Financial report was presented by Treasurer Costanti. Highlights included a cash position of precisely $23,000.00 and an asset position of $3,251.00 for a total current asset position of $26, 251.00, representing an asset increase of $2,000.00 over year-end 2016. Motion by Handy, seconded by Brown to accept the finance report as presented. All in favor, none opposed. 5. Election of Officers - President Mann - Opened the election of officers calling for nominations for President. Nomination by Handy, seconded by Riggs for Mike Mann as President. Director Moffit nominated John Adams. After brief discussion, the Board reflected that Director Adams' plate was full and there was no second. Motion to close nominations made by Kaufman, seconded by Moffit. All in favor, none opposed. The floor was opened to nominations for Vice President. Nomination by Costanti, seconded by Brown for Handy as Vice President. After three calls for other nominations, motion made by Kaufman, seconded by Brittner to close the nominations. All in favor, none opposed. Mr. Mann and Mr. Handy were elected by acclamation to the positions of President and Vice President, respectively. President Mann asked Director Costanti to serve another year as the Secretary and Treasurer of the Association. Director Costanti accepted the appointment and was presented to the Board for their approval. All in favor, none opposed.
6. Review of 2017 State Shoot a. Financials - Mann - reviewed the income from the 2017 State Shoot at Hermiston. Income for 2017 was $9200.00, expenses were under $6000.00, yielding a profit at the State Shoot of approximately $3000.00. b. Problems/Opportunities - All Directors - Agreed that the 2017 Hermiston State Shoot was very well run. 7. Recommendations for 2019 and beyond State Shoots a. Duration i. Three, four, two days? Current format of three days with existing 800 target program was agreed to. b. Location(s) i. # of traps? - Motion by Riggs, seconded by Brown to establish eight as the minimum number of program traps required for a club to host the State Shoot. All in favor, none opposed. ii. RV/Camper capability. iii. Other Facilities - Discussion ensued about target preference and the White Flyer Eco target was introduced. c. Order of Events - Doubles/Handicap - Same as last year. d. Sponsorships/Advertising - Same as last year, or more. 8. Hall of Fame Committee Report - Tourville - Moved to immediately after the finance report. Tourville indicated that the HoF has over $1500.00 in the bank, derived from two years of holding raffles at the Medford and Hermiston State Shoots. Tourville indicated that there will be no nominations for the HoF for the 2018 State Shoot. Nominations were solicited by Handy from the floor and there were none forthcoming. President Mann contributed two items for the 2018 raffle and requested that the Directors follow suit and encourage other shooters to contribute. A check for $1265.00 was presented to HoF Chair Tourville on December 12 representing the funds that were being held by the OSATA treasury on behalf of the HoF. 9. Old Business a. Targets Thrown by Club - Report from the ATA was distributed. b. 2017 Swearingen Awards - Report was distributed. c. Request was made to Director Riggs in his capacity as OSTA President to approach Klamath Gun Club and request that Klamath support cross-registration at their PITA shoots. 10. New Business a. Three Zone Format - Mann agreed to outline his 3-zone proposal and submit it to this Board before January 31, 2018. b. ATA Zone Shoot Locations in Oregon - Mann solicited another Oregon club to consider hosting an ATA Zone shoot in addition to Medford Gun Club. Directors will bring the issue to their respective clubs. Director Moffit asked if there was any rule that prohibited the Winter Meeting being earlier in the year. Mann indicated that there was no reason and agreed to schedule the 2018 Winter Meeting earlier in the calendar year, preferably in late September. 11. ATA Delegates Report a. Sparta Situation b. New Rules/Regulations - Delegate Brown reiterated that it was the shooter's responsibility to keep their average cards, whether hard copy or computer generated, up to date while shoot results were being processed into the database. c. President Mann addressed the value of submitting regular Delegate reports to Trap and Field Magazine and the disappointment of the Board that this marketing tool was not being used by Delegate Brown to promote ATA shooting in Oregon. As an alternative, Mann asked Delegate Brown for his concurrence and approval for Alternate Delegate Mann and Second Alternate Delegate Tourville to publish occasional articles with Delegate Brown's prior approval. Delegate Brown concurred and indicated that items such as the Swearingen Teams would be appropriate and interesting to publish. d. Delegate Brown informed the Board that Oregon shooter Tom Garrigus was being inducted into the ATA Hall of Fame in 2018. 12. Good of the Association a. More ATA Shoots/Shooters/Shooting in Oregon - Director Kaufman indicated that Hillsborough was very interested in beginning to again host ATA shoots including the State Shoot. Mann indicated that the ATA Big 50 program was an ideal way to reinvigorate ATA interest. b. Big 50/PITA Multiplex - The success of the Medford Big 50 program in concert with the PITA Multiplex was reviewed and recommended to all Oregon clubs that support Multiplex. 13. Adjournment - Motion for adjournment by Handy, seconded by Moffit at 12:58 PM. |